In order to attract our audience, we used the same methods that a professional distribution company would create: 

Facebook page
Instagram, Tumblr, 
and a Twitter feed. 

Facebook:  I created a Facebook page for the film Asylum. I created this as it is an excellent way of reaching our audience, sending them updates, release dates, trailer and many more. It also allows a huge amount of social media users to communicate with each other and give us feedback on what they think of the film. 

Instagram: I was responsible for the Instagram page. This social media platform allows me to get to my audience through the form of photographs and videos. This could include short clips from the film. Behind the scenes on set of the film. it also allows the audience see more than what a person who doesn't use social media have. 

Twitter: Francesca is responsible for Twitter page, however twitter allows people to communicate and talk about the film. We could also make a hashtag in order to get the film trending worldwide, therefore attracting more international attention. 

Tumblr:  Francesca is responsible for Tumblr Page. Tumblr is a social media network that allows users to post multimedia and other content to a short-form blog. Users can follow other users' blogs.